Harrison Youth Council

Individual, Group, and Family Counseling
For Harrison residents aged 5-20 and their family members.
Licensed by NYS OASAS (New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports).
Parental involvement is encouraged, and parental consent is required.
All counseling services are provided by trained professionals.
Flexible hours to accommodate working families.
Assessment and referral services are provided.
Coordination with schools and community professionals.
All counseling services are confidential.

Small Group Services and Individual Counseling for students within local schools, directed toward increasing:
Drug and alcohol resistance skills
Positive peer relationships
Skills for anger management and emotional regulation
Interpersonal problem-solving skills
Emotional literacy
Adaptation to divorce or loss
Social competence
Classroom and School-Wide/District Presentations on topics such as:
How to identify and respond to bullying
Conflict resolution
Embracing diversity
Avoiding the dangers of prescription medication abuse
Consultations with Faculty Regarding:
Psychosocial issues affecting students
Community referrals
Coordination of services
Behavior management

Youth Employment Services (Y.E.S.)
Area residents and businesses in need of seasonal, part-time, or full-time assistance can contact the Y.E.S. coordinator at (914) 835-7500 for a full list of employment opportunities and information to join our referral job board for employers.
The Y.E.S. Coordinator pre-screens our youth and matches them with available jobs.
The Y.E.S. Coordinator is available at our office to assist youth with resume writing, interviewing skills, and job readiness. During school days, the Coordinator can be found at the Harrison High School Student Union for students to inquire and submit applications.
More information can be found on our website under "YOUTH EMPLOYMENT".